My Life as a Coach
Listening has always been a joy. Writing poetry is listening for rhythms and connections between seemingly-unrelated things. Fundraising for non profit organizations is listening for how philanthropists want to partner with non profits to realize their aspirations. My training as a coach takes listening to a new level, full of surprises.
My nearly-six-decade life has included some trainwrecks from which I have fortunately bounced back: divorces, bankruptcies, foreclosure. I have been fired from more than one job. I am not shy about these shocks because they have taught me that the responsibility of choosing an authentic life is solely mine. There are plenty of chances for joy, humor, and service. But if I abandon authenticity, getting back on track is the most important thing.
I will be certified by the International Coaching Federation in early 2019.
Why People Hire Me
Many of my clients are imaginative people who want to assert their artfulness more fully. Our conversations help them put creativity closer to the center of their lives, deal with pesky and compelling obligations, silence (or tame, or befriend) their inner critiques, and assert: my unique vision is important.
Creativity has value with or without monetary validation. It is important whether or not it appeals to other people (although finding an attentive audience is important, too.) It is important, whether or not you consider yourself an artist, because it brings joy. In our explorations, I will be your champion and advocate. I will challenge self-doubt. I will listen for creative sparks and encourage you to follow them.

Some of My Clients

A visual artist who has just started writing. Writing is new to her, she wants her writer-self to have has much confidence as her painter-self.

A PhD sociologist who is moving from one federal agency to another, and wants to abandon the discomfort that, in the past, has accompanied a new job.

An aspiring poet whose inner critic takes the form of her cat, who glares at her and asks, “Why don’t you know what I want?”
I had no idea how powerful it would be to work with a coach on cultivating the neglected creative part of myself. Having regular sessions with Paul has really shifted my writing process into a productive practice -- something I had never managed to do on my own. What a gift! And working with Paul is just fabulous. He is attentive, interested, responsive, and smart. He gives me useful tools, fresh approaches, and authentic feedback. Most importantly, he has a great laugh that welcomes Ah-Hah’s and uncertainties with equal generosity.

My work with Paul came at an important transition period in my career, and he helped me to identify the kind of questions I needed to be asking myself about what I wanted and needed in my professional life. He used a very didactic and creative approach -- like using metaphors to better understand challenges I was facing -- which helped us to develop practical strategies for me to get to a point where I could really do the kind of innovative and design work that I enjoy. Paul is also a very kind and open person, so I immediately felt comfortable opening up and telling him about very personal parts of my life.